
Leadership & Soft skills

Are you hesitating about whether or not to train managers and supervisors this year?

If the gap between the ideal profile and what your leaders actually demonstrate is large enough to worry you about the risks, I would recommend that you develop the "soft skills" that could have the most impact on production, service, quality, and the culture within your organization.

Here are the highly probable risks in leadership management with poor capacity in the 6 basic leadership competencies:

  1. Emotional Intelligence:

Risks: If leaders lack emotional intelligence, they may struggle to handle stress, manage conflicts constructively, and build positive relationships with their team. This can lead to a tense work environment, lack of trust, and decreased morale and productivity.

  1. Employee Development:

Risks: Lack of focus on team development can result in low motivation, professional stagnation, and employee dissatisfaction. This can lead to decreased performance, high turnover, and loss of key talent.

  1. Effective Communication:

Risks: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, misalignment of goals, and inefficient processes. This can negatively impact work quality, increase errors, and create tension within the team.

  1. Teamwork:

Risks: Lack of encouragement for teamwork can result in information silos, lack of collaboration, and competition among team members. This can hinder innovation, problem-solving, and the achievement of organizational goals.

  1. Motivation:

Risks: A lack of motivation from leaders can lead to a demotivating work environment, lack of commitment, and poor performance. This can affect work quality, increase staff turnover, and damage the company's reputation.

  1. Decision-Making:

Risks: Poor decision-making can result in ineffective strategies, missed opportunities, and poorly managed risks. This can affect profitability, competitiveness, and the long-term stability of the company.

I invite you to evaluate the capacity of employees with people under their supervision. Those who have a Level 1 or 2 likely require immediate help:

(Identify the level of the leaders and take action. 1 low - 4 high)

Emotional Intelligence

4 The employee demonstrates a high level of self-awareness, self-control, empathy, and social skills. They effectively manage emotional situations, showing calm and understanding.

3 The employee shows a good level of self-awareness and emotional control. They relate well to others and resolve conflicts constructively.

2 The employee shows some ability to recognize and manage their emotions, but sometimes may be affected by stressful or conflict situations.

1 The employee struggles to manage their emotions and those of others, which may affect their performance and interpersonal relationships.

Employee Development

4 The employee demonstrates an exceptional ability to identify and develop the talent of their team. They foster a continuous learning environment and professional growth.

3 The employee shows a good ability to develop their team, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and providing development opportunities.

2 The employee provides some guidance and support to their team but could improve in identifying and promoting individual growth.

1 The employee shows little interest or ability to develop their team, resulting in a lack of growth and a sense of demotivation among team members.

Effective Communication

4 The employee communicates clearly, concisely, and persuasively in various situations. They actively listen and ensure that ideas are correctly understood.

3 The employee communicates effectively in most situations, although there may be occasions where communication is not entirely clear or understandable.

2 The employee communicates basic information adequately, but sometimes there may be misunderstandings or a lack of clarity in their communication.

1 The employee struggles to communicate effectively, resulting in frequent misunderstandings and a lack of alignment within the team.


4 The employee collaborates proactively and effectively with others, fostering an environment of trust and cooperation. They contribute to the success of the team and promote synergy.

3 The employee works well in a team, contributing ideas and supporting their colleagues. They are committed to the team's goals and collaborate to achieve them.

2 The employee participates in team activities but may sometimes show a lack of collaboration or conflict with other members.

1 The employee struggles to work in a team, showing a lack of collaboration and contributing little to the team's success.


4 The employee shows high intrinsic motivation and the ability to inspire others. They are fully committed to their work and demonstrate constant enthusiasm and energy.

3 The employee is generally motivated and shows interest in their work. They encourage others and maintain a positive attitude even in difficult times.

2 The employee is hard to read, does not show discontent, but may sometimes seem disinterested or uncommitted.

1 The employee shows demotivation and apathy, which negatively affects their performance and that of their team.


4 The employee demonstrates excellent ability to make difficult decisions both individually and in teams, based on solid data and analysis. They effectively evaluate options and anticipate possible consequences.

3 The employee makes sound decisions in most cases, using relevant information and considering different perspectives.

2 The employee can make decisions but sometimes shows indecision or a lack of consideration for important factors.

1 The employee struggles to make effective decisions, which may result in errors and delays in achieving goals.

I want to congratulate you on your interest in helping your organization.

I hope this exercise has provided you with some interesting insights. If you want to train managers and/or supervisors this year, click here to understand your particular situation.

Ana María Quintanilla Duhne and the Wisdenn team.

Posted ago 6 months

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