

Discover the Breakaway Leadership® Program, a unique experience to strengthen your management skills and unlock your full potential as a leader. We invite you to take control of your future and demonstrate the value you bring to the organization. Learn practical methodologies to achieve extraordinary results. Develop 17 competencies in 5 months that will strengthen your leadership. We know that by applying what you learn, you will achieve your goals through your team

Elevate your leadership to the next level.

In the business world, we know that effective leadership is the key to a successful team. By joining the Breakaway Leadership® Program, you'll gain access to a range of benefits that will enhance your ability to lead:

  • Team Cohesion: Learn to lead and work as a team, leveraging the unique skills of each member.
  • Elevated Emotional Intelligence: Manage your emotions and those of others, creating a positive and constructive work environment.
  • Powerful Influence: Influence authentically and effectively, inspiring others.
  • Talent Development: Prepare succession plans and develop the next level of leadership.
  • Impressive Results: Understand your customers, meet their needs, and partner with them to grow.


Your journey to extraordinary leadership.

Imagine a transformative journey through five modules, each designed to empower your skills and elevate your leadership to the next level.

Your growth in action

Experience a growth process that combines practical learning, self-assessment, and personalized coaching:

  • Individual development: In each session, we will focus on solving your challenges, problems, and goals.
  • Deep self-knowledge: Conduct an initial and final self-assessment of your competencies. Additionally, discover more about yourself through the StarDriveTEST professional motivation diagnosis.
  • Constant support: Our technology will be with you 24/7 through Wiz.Coach.
  • Meaningful learning experiences: Through interactive dynamics in workshops and team exercises, you will broaden your perspective and be able to apply what you have learned in real-life situations.

Your fully equipped journey.

Your learning experience is designed for success and provides you with all the tools you need:

  • Expert-led knowledge: Benefit from 30 hours of group training covering emotional intelligence, leadership, interpersonal communication, conflict management, and negotiation.
  • Competency self-assessment: Evaluate your initial capabilities and celebrate your learning.
  • StarDriveTEST motivation diagnosis: Increase your self-awareness, identify your strengths, areas for improvement, your natural leadership style, and set solid personal goals.
  • Challenges and support: Confidentially confront your paradigms, fears, or challenges through deep reflection. Wiz.Coach will be available at all times to chat with you.
  • Handbook: Record your impressions, learning, complete exercises, and keep the knowledge at your fingertips.
  • Impact measurement: Clearly identify the results you obtain by making the necessary changes.
  • Diploma and final celebration: Celebrate your transformation with a diploma and a special ceremony.

Get ready to become an inspiring leader in the business world.
You will achieve extraordinary results.

Contáct us

    Monterrey, México
    T +52 (81) 8357 1978
    Carretera Nacional #5000 Suite 101
    Col. La Rioja, Nuevo León, Monterrey

    • What are the skills of a manager?

    A manager, regardless of the industry, needs to manage and lead. Management is the way in which the manager is organized to operate, supervise, evaluate, and keep talent focused. On the other hand, leading implies assuming authority, managing power, and influencing to achieve business objectives.

    • What are managerial competencies?

    Managerial competencies are the sum of the skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes that enable a manager to succeed at the head of a team.

    • Where to get a diploma in Managerial Skills?

    Wisdenn Consulting has been positioned for 34 years transforming people to impact organizations through diplomas in managerial skills among other services. It is the strategic ally you need for your company. Based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, Wisdenn reaches diverse latitudes through remote sessions and experiences.

    • What to do to manage better?

    To manage better, it is necessary to take a step back and observe oneself. Not only by analyzing the actions taken but also by detecting where judgments, paradigms, fears, and emotions come from. It is highly recommended to ask for feedback from bosses, colleagues, and peers. We also suggest training in decision-making, stress management, leadership, effective communication, and team integration.
