
Empower your supervisors' leadership to achieve exceptional results.

"Discover the Breakaway Supervisor Program: Transform your supervisors into exceptional leaders who drive your organization's success! These leaders are the key link between strategy and execution, capable of motivating, planning, guiding, and directing teams, aligning their actions with the company's vision.

Transform supervisors into high-impact leaders.

Our program equips supervisors with the essential skills to achieve extraordinary results:

  • Reduced quality errors: Minimize quality defects through strong leadership and efficient processes.
  • Increased effectiveness: Boost both individual and team productivity by empowering employees to make decisions that optimize resources.
  • Personnel development: Train and empower team members to exceed expectations.
  • Cross-departmental collaboration: Effectively coordinate activities with supervisors from other areas to maximize resource utilization.
  • Positive work environment: Cultivate a work environment that promotes collaboration towards common goals.
  • Effective communication: Improve communication skills to interact effectively with superiors, colleagues, and subordinates.


A practical and effective approach to leadership development.

Our supervisor development methodology is based on the systemic principle, where learning endures and delivers results because the entire organization is prepared to operate under the supervisor's new leadership. Managers participate strategically by defining objectives, and the supervisors' team members understand and support the new initiatives.

Are you ready to transform your supervisors into high-impact leaders?

Experience a significant improvement in team performance and organizational efficiency.

Contact us

    Monterrey, México
    T +52 (81) 8357 1978
    Carretera Nacional #5000 Suite 101
    Col. La Rioja, Nuevo León, Monterrey

    • How to Develop a Supervisor?

    1. Spark interest by demonstrating the impact they can have by developing their skills.

    2. Provide transformative knowledge and experiences.

    3.- Invite them to evaluate results and receive feedback to adjust their actions.

    • What training should a supervisor have?

    1.- Technical skills

    2.- Administrative skills: Decision-making, Time management, Delegation, Planning, Organization, Control.

    3.- Human skills: Emotional management, Teamwork, Leadership, Conflict management, Critical, practical, and creative thinking.

    • What should a good supervisor do?

    1.- Know their people well to guide and motivate them.
    2.- Understand the business to make value-adding decisions.
    3.- Plan and execute strategies.
    4.- Monitor progress and hold people accountable.

    • Supervisor and Middle Management Development Courses or Programs.

    The Breakaway Supervisor® program, designed by Wisdenn, has successfully transformed individuals for over 10 years, impacting measurable results in operations, manufacturing, and engineering areas of multinational companies.
